There are countless individuals who suffer from a disability today. Disabilities can be of a physical or psychiatric nature, addictions, or sickness and disease.

Despite the type of disability, if you or someone you know has been denied a claim from an insurance company, you will require an experienced lawyer to analyze the clauses within a disability policy, and one who will fight to obtain the benefits you deserve.

There are various types of disability insurance available. For example:

  1. Long Term Disability Insurance Claims
  2. Group Long-Term Disability Policies
  3. Individual Disability Policies
  4. Short Term Disability Insurance Claims
  5. Canada Pension Plan Disability Claims
  6. Critical Illness Insurance Claims
  7. Mortgage Insurance Claims

Regardless of the type of insurance policy available, it is not uncommon for disabled parties to be denied benefits that they are rightfully entitled to. Disability policies contain various provisions that may not be clear to the average individual in society. An experienced lawyer can help you get the most out of your policy—in other words, the maximum benefits allowable by law. The maximum policy benefit, policy exclusions, daily benefit amount, deductible, or waiting period are just some of the provisions that must be thoroughly explored by our legal team.